“In an age of speed, I began to think nothing can be more invigorating than going slow.
In an age of distraction, nothing can feel more luxurious than paying attention.
And in age of constant movement, nothing is more urgent than sitting still.”
Victor Rose Espresso Bar loves dogs. And, by extension, dog people.
A world traveler, successful businessperson, serious foodie, and overall super interesting person to chat with about a wide range of topics, Susan is also a dog person all the way.
With Angus, her beloved Portuguese Water Dog, at her feet during virtually every Victor Rose visit, you’ll see Susan reading the paper or chatting with a friend. While many of us refer to a period in our lives as “between jobs”, Susan can recount her life in periods “between dogs”.
Tell us about yourself
I’m a retired realtor and truly enjoying this chapter in my life. I loved my career for a myriad of reasons but the social connection was something I valued deeply just because I love people.
How did you first discover Victor Rose? What drew you in initially?
I fell upon Victor Rose quite accidentally. I was on a walk from my Kirkland residence with a friend and we thought we’d take a walk to the Village. It must have been sometime between August of 2016 and May 2017 as I was between dogs. We stopped in for a coffee and I fell in love with the friendly atmosphere and Clara (Terry’s pup) who was snuggled in behind the counter.
I remember that first day as though it were yesterday because I couldn’t believe I knew nothing about this café, and the fact that dogs were welcome.
How would you describe the vibe at Victor Rose?
It’s a little like Cheers I suppose, “where everybody knows your name”. You can have a coffee alone but you’re never really alone. Terry and Marie have created this friendly warm atmosphere that is so much an extension of themselves. I always feel like I’m really in a village café in Maine – it’s a beautiful retreat (and I don’t have to pay in USD).
Have you made any personal connections with anyone while you were at Victor Rose?
There have been many friendly conversations with neighbouring tables over the years. These were conversations that started out between strangers and then graduated to more familiarity. It’s so beautiful to stop in for a coffee and see familiar faces.
Have you had any particularly interesting or inspiring moments while there?
I’m always interested and inspired by the people I meet but I would say that there was one particular instance where I must say I was absolutely devastated. (Maybe I’m being a bit dramatic…).
After several months of being closed in the early days of Covid, I had heard that Victor Rose re-opened. A friend had called me for a walk and I suggested that we meet in the Village for coffee. Now you need to be aware that my morning routine prior to Covid always included a stop after a walk for coffee at least 4 days out of 7. I truly missed this routine. Well, we get to Victor Rose and it turns out Marie wasn’t making coffee… she was selling the coffee beans. My friend said, “You should have seen the look on your face when you were told there was no coffee”.
It really was a miserable period, but this example highlights how much this little café means to me (and presumably many people). I’m so relieved life has returned to normal and that the beautiful hum of people chatting and laughing while the coffee is being poured and the milk is being steamed is back.
How does Victor Rose fit into your daily or weekly routine?
I have to say that prior to that period above I was at Victor Rose at least 4 mornings a week. Now I’m a bit more sporadic but I still visit between 2-3 times a week. I love my morning or afternoon walks with Angus and stopping in for a coffee and reading the paper. Otherwise, Victor Rose is often the top choice as a meeting spot with friends. It has become a landmark.
A final word about Victor Rose and its team…
I feel like it is so difficult to run a successful café and have great staff that can translate the owners’ objectives of creating a welcoming environment, providing good service, being professional, efficient and still making great coffee. Terry has hired an amazing team and she would be an excellent casting director. Each one is very special in their own way. Good people are very tricky to find.