“Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name.”
They should probably rename “Jack of All Trades” to “Matt of All Trades”.
He’s just your average personal trainer/flight school graduate/gym director/arborist/operations manager-type-of-guy who also manages to spend plenty of active time with his kids.
With a background like this, it’s easy—and enjoyable—to pull up a stool next to him at Victor Rose and get into any kind of conversation.
Matt’s a Victor Rose OG too—he knew about the coffee shop before almost anyone else, when it was just an idea…
Tell us about yourself
My name is Matt, I’m 41, and am currently trying to keep up with my kids.
How did you first discover Victor Rose? What drew you in initially?
I’ve known Terry for all of my life, and Marie for all of hers. You can’t go very far in this neighbourhood without running into a Taylor or a Geller!
Back in the day, Terry was one of my personal training clients. I remember specifically in early 2015, we were training together and she mentioned that she and Marie were thinking about opening up a coffee shop in the village. It sounded pretty neat, and we spent the rest of the session coming up with names for the yet-to-be business. I’m not sure mine were given any serious consideration, but they definitely chose well in the end.
Always the savvy businesswoman, Terry used to barter training sessions for coffee tabs. She got me hooked pretty quick!
How would you describe the vibe at Victor Rose?
The vibe tends to fluctuate a bit depending on who’s there, but in general it could be described as “easy”.
Have you made any personal connections with anyone while you were at Victor Rose? If possible, describe these connections and what they’ve meant to you.
It’s always fun chatting with the staff. Having managed numerous university-aged employees at McGill, it’s fascinating to learn about which direction they’re going in life.
Have you had any particularly interesting or inspiring moments while there?
I love going there leading up to the winter holidays. Seeing people meet up with out-of-town relatives, the smell of seasonal recipes, the scene at the skating rink—it all makes for a perfect holiday mood.
What’s your favorite drink and/or snack there?
Though the Gina (a large flat white) is named after my mom, my go-to is a Double Cortado.
How does Victor Rose fit into your daily or weekly routine?
It’s less of a routine and more of an “as needed” trip. Just so happens that I “need” to be there quite often!