
I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.
—  Michael Jordan

Shelby first sailed into Victor Rose in the very early days of its opening.

Living nearby, he found it a breath of fresh air to be greeted by Terry and Marie and the way they created their ideal place. He describes the vibe as “chill with a cause”, a family-oriented place that supports different causes and local artists.

You might also describe Shelby the same way; he comes across as unhurried, generous with his time, and actively interested in what the other person has to say.

Shelby’s Victor Rose story has grown into a full family affair, with his daughter making a custom cup for his 50 th birthday (it still hangs on the wall at the shop) and each member of the family having their own specific drink and snack, from a latte to the famous Gina (large flat white) to lemonade, carrot cake, and more.

Tell us about yourself

I am 56 and work as an Executive Business Coach, mainly working with the senior leadership teams of mid-size companies, helping them get what they want from their business. 

Outside of work, my personal passion is sailing. I sail/race locally and I am also part of a sailing race team that does large open ocean races on a Volvo 70 called Il Mostro. I am married and have three kids.  

How did you first discover Victor Rose? What drew you in initially?

I was around the neighborhood early days when it opened and being a coffee “fan”, I had to stop in to check it out.  

Have you made any personal connections with anyone while you were at Victor Rose? 

With the owners, Terry and Marie. I always chat with them and am curious about what they are thinking and working on. I have followed the evolution of their love story for their coffee shop— from learning from scratch about coffee, to discovering and visiting the growers, and then the causes they support and give back to.  It’s been a journey that continues to evolve and inspire...




David & Margaret