“Do anything, but let it produce joy.”
Nancy could most likely sit back and take things easy. A tech entrepreneur, she’s earned the right to spend her days however she’d like.
But she’s not wired that way. In her latest career evolution, Nancy works at the renowned Teresa Dellar Palliative Care Residence. Managing their various fundraisers, she’s applying the lessons learned from over 30 years as a business leader to focus on the care, attention, and dignity that people deserve as they face their remaining days.
Interesting quote from Henry Miller. Does it reflect how you’re living these days?
Yes! I love my job. I get to meet so many wonderful people who are interested in supporting our cause. In the next few years, I aspire to continue with what I am doing, and focus on some personal creative projects, as well as spend time with friends and family.
How did you first discover Victor Rose? What drew you in initially?
I know Pointe-Claire Village very well, having grown up in Beaconsfield, and having spent most of my life living there as well. It doesn’t take long for a place to develop a reputation, and Victor Rose became well-known right from the start, for having great coffee, a welcoming vibe, and being a place to run into familiar faces.
And how about the ongoing connections?
It has been a place to connect with my young adult daughters, who truly enjoy an outing to sample the great coffee and the community vibe. We always run into people who we know. It’s a great way to stay connected and feel like we are staying in touch with people we may otherwise rarely see. It is a place to have a weekly respite. Relax and recharge. And also, to meet people for fundraising meetings, one-on-one!
Have you had any particularly interesting or inspiring moments ?
Last summer, we approached Victor Rose to participate in the Course pour la Compassion (an annual fundraising fun run). It was then that I discovered the one degree of separation that so often happens on the West Island. Terry recognized my name and realized that we shared a common long-time close friend. Small world! She quickly agreed to have a tent at the Course, and gave away free coffee to all the participants, saying that the event aligned with their values. How amazing! And what a great connection.